Profile Overview
Brazilian Zouk & Lambada Timing Codes
Nov 22, 5:00 pm PST
Nov 22, 8:00 pm EST
Led by: Devon Near-Hill

Dancers, have you ever been frustrated while attempting to enter boneca on Brazilian Zouk timing?
Have you felt overwhelmed trying to understand the difference between dancing “on the quick” vs. “on the slow”?
Quit getting lost on the floor, your roadmap has arrived!
Gain the skills to transpose iconic lambada movements onto “Brazilian Zouk Timing” and vice versa.
Understand which of the four possible timings (yes there are at least four ;) ) accentuate different musical elements.
Demystify the process of switching between timings!
Watch these zoom recordings!
Class 1: Counting, order, and context.
Class 2: Dancing on 1 and 3 with the basics.
Class 3: Dancing on 5 and 7. Using the "quicks" to switch.
Class 4: Using the slows to switch. Musicality within timings.
Includes 6 hrs of instruction, charts, graphs, homework opportunities for individual feedback, online 20 minute private lesson, and 6 months of access to the material.
Price: $80
Taught by Devon
If you are registered, you can access the course link, info, videos, and materials in the my profile section of the website.
Timing Codes 1-1
Use the chart or your own method to express the musical timing as well as the steps “on 1” and “on 3” using order numbers or colors.
Please post in the "homework" folder:
Choreo 1
We're starting a choreo!
Song: Bixinho (Lux & Tróia Remix)
Timing Codes 1-2
Week 1:
Use the chart or your own method to express the musical timing as well as the steps “on 1” and “on 3” using order numbers or colors.
Please post in the "homework" folder:
Timing Codes 2
Week 2:
There's homework, but no supplementary material this week.
Pick a pattern and write out for yourself what happens in the first vs second box.
Video yourself starting on the 1 and 3. For extra credit, start on the 5 and 7!
Submit here:
Timing Codes 3
In this session we use 4 quicks to switch from on 1, 7, 5, 3 and back to 1.
There is supplementary material and homework for this week!
Timing Codes 4-1
Switching timings using quicks in continuous turns out of soltinho.
Disclaimer: At 6:30, I held up 3 fingers, but as you know we were on 7! My bad.
Timing Codes 4-2
TC Choreo Part 4
Practice Materials and Homework